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The Trait feature allows players to enhance their Hero's power by unlocking Additional Attributes. There are 5 Attribute slots, and players need to use a material called Trait Points to unlock these Attributes. Each Attribute is categorized by Rarity, which determines its strength.
Attributes are ranked by 9 rarity levels, from lowest to highest: F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS.
Higher rarity attributes provide stronger bonuses.
Unlocking a full SSS attribute set grants additional buffs.
Players use Trait Points, obtainable from sources like the Dungeon: Raid the Tyrant Dragon or Chest Rewards, to unlock Attributes.
Trait Point costs for changing Attributes:
Changing all 5 Attributes costs 5 Trait Points.
Changing 4 Attributes costs 10 Trait Points.
Changing 3 Attributes costs 15 Trait Points.
Changing 2 Attributes costs 20 Trait Points.
Changing 1 Attribute costs 25 Trait Points.
Players must lock attributes they wish to keep before unlocking new ones to avoid losing valuable attributes.
The Auto-Change feature automatically re-rolls attributes until it finds at least one with a rarity of S or higher, stopping the process for optimal results.
Attribute slots can have identical attributes, providing further customization potential.
The materials used in Relics, Rraits, Research, and the Graveyard are limited to 10 purchases per day. (purchase with $Sei)